Wednesday, June 4, 2008

muy corto

Still kicking.

I´ve learned to enjoy the taste of tomatoes. They´re like a fresh, juicy piece of summer.

The coffee here is also amazingly appealing. I´ve only had a cup, but I´m warming up to it. I learned to brew the sweet stuff two days ago.

I walked to the fields with Frederlinda´s brother Amilcar this morning. He was plowing with the pair of bueyes that normally stand near the house. I walked down and back with him seven or eight times (about a half hour) and was tired. He was in the field plowing from 6am to 1pm today.

More later!

encantado escribir a ustedes,


Drew said...

Sweet stuff, Pete. I didn´t like tomatoes before I came here, but I´m starting to warm up to them in salads. But only the diced kind. I usually can´t get past the mushy interior. In Cochabamba they drink instant coffee which is kind of a dissappointment. But the mate is good.

Buena suerte y hasta luego,

Franz said...

Reading your posts is like reading letters from home. I never really enjoyed the taste of coffee either before Sabana Grande. It's got to be the solar roasting. I'm also jealous that you were able to go swimming. Also, please say hi to Emily, CJ, Jenny and if you get the chance, Alejandra, Marcio, and their kids Marcel, Jenny, and Harold.

Katie said...

guess who I saw yesterday.

Andy and his girlfriend Katie.

that's all.

Peter Kolis said...

Hehehe... I like the sliced kind of tomatoes. I haven´t gone for more than a few slices accompanied by other vegetables. The (juicy, moist) vegetables are necessary here because the beans and plantains suck the water from my mouth.

YOU NEED COFFEE. It is getting better and better. There´s always a ton of sugar, and the families offer maple syrup to sweeten the coffee. With the bread (think large sugar cookie or sweet biscuit) that my family makes, it´s irresistible.

I´m pretty certain that the solar roasting helps :) It is fantastic.

Emily left :( but I´ll tell CJ and Jenny and the others that you say hi. Emily has a facebook profile. Her last name is Weninger. It was pretty old, though; she said she doesn´t use it much.

Andy and Katie... :-)